Google Cloud for nonprofit: 5 ways to improve efficiency


Cloud computing is making inroads in the digital space. Research shows that as of 2019, the market size stood at $266 million.

Experts predicted that by the end of 2020, it would be at $289.7 billion. Some of the biggest adopters were Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and Alibaba.

So the question comes in, why is cloud computing so popular? Well, if you have ever used it, the answer will be pretty simple. Users have access to tons of benefits, including better collaboration and higher efficiency.

It does not matter what industry you are in. There is a lot to gain with cloud computing. Google has the perfect solution with the Google for Nonprofits platform. Let’s see how.

What is Google for nonprofits?

Google for nonprofits is a cloud solution that is specific to such organizations. Having a Google for nonprofits account gives you access to cloud computing and so much more. Some of the features include:

  • Google Workspace for team collaboration. The organization gets access to the G-suite for nonprofits. Here you find Google Calendars, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Drive, and Gmail.
  • Google Ad Grants avail up to $10,000 worth of advertising value. It provides a way to generate publicity for the organization, thus increasing awareness. Ad Grants helps reach out to donors, volunteers, and other stakeholders. Such can contribute funds or time.
  • YouTube for nonprofits is a fantastic platform for showcasing the organization’s work
  • Google Earth and Maps provides data visualization tools. These are critical for tracking the organizations’ impact on local communities.

We will explore some of the above in a little more detail in our article. Please check the eligibility criteria for Google nonprofits. It helps to find out if your organization qualifies.

Now, let’s delve into cloud computing and how it helps improve efficiency for nonprofits.

1. Google Cloud Computing for Data Management

Google has been unveiling cloud-based products specific to NGOs and nonprofits since 2007. It started with Google Earth outreach. Since then, they have added on more products.

Such include GCP Public datasets and G-suite for nonprofits. Kaggle Data Science for Good Events and Data Solutions for Change are others.

Data management can be a challenge for any company. Like any other organization, nonprofits generate and collect a lot of data. The insights from data analysis help with problem-solving and decision-making. But, there has to be a proper way to handle and store the data.

Some Google Cloud products help with advanced data analytics, and they are critical for social and environmental impact assessment. The platform provides self-training and ground-based opportunities for the organizations.

Google Cloud uses artificial intelligence and big data integrations for data mining. You will find such applications in Google BigQuery in which users can get real-time insights and predictive analytics.

Data access and sharing are easy on secure platforms and so much more. Automation increases the speed and scale of managing the data.

2. Access to Productivity Tools

The best way to ensure productivity amongst employees is to give them the right tools. On these, Google has outdone itself. If you have been on the platform for some time, you may know about G-Suite.

Well, nowadays, it goes by the name Google Workspace. Nonprofits get free access to features and tools that will help increase productivity.

Team members can create or edit documents using Google Spreadsheets, Google Docs, and Google Slides. Google Drive provides ample cloud storage. Document saving is in real-time, so the teams have access to the latest information at all times.

Don’t have a website yet? Simple, use the website creator tools to build one. Don’t worry about looking for a domain registrar. You find all this and more on Google workspace.

Should you worry about the safety of your data? The answer is no. The platform has some of the best security options.

3. Remote Access Allowing Work to Continue

2020 is a year that will remain ingrained in people’s minds forever. Our unborn children will learn about the year the Corona pandemic brought chaos to the world. It may read like some apocalyptic story when they try to make sense of it.

Streets, schools, offices, and malls became ghost towns due to stay-at-home orders. People had to adjust to a new reality that they would have never foreseen.

But, if we take a glass half full mentality, there were some valuable learnings. The first was that life had to go on. The second was that people had to adjust, adapt, and innovate. The digital space took over as the work and educational environment.

And, the trend is continuing in 2021. 80% of employers are comfortable with staff working from home. 47% are willing to let the employees adapt to full-time home working.

65% of respondents want to continue to work from home. 27% are ready to take pay cuts of up to 20% to continue with remote work.

The challenge for businesses was how to ensure normal operations in remote situations. Cloud platforms provided the perfect solution. Google Cloud Storage is safe and can handle large amounts of data.

Team members have remote access from wherever they are. Sharing, report generation, collaboration, and co-authoring can occur in real-time.

4. Scalability in a Cost-Effective Manner

Nonprofit activities tend to fluctuate depending on several factors. Dependence on volunteers and donors can impact their operations. Say there is an influx of donations and help. The organization still has to streamline the processes.

The same applies when there is a lull. It requires an ability to scale up and down depending on the situation. Google Cloud allows for easy management every time. Nonprofits: –

  • Get enough storage for data during peak operation times on Drive
  • Collecting donor funding is easy on platforms like YouTube for nonprofits. All you need to do is put the donate button on your channel. Google will process the transactions at no extra fee. The organization stays up to date with how much is coming in. It frees up the teams from having to track or draw up reports
  • Stakeholders can collaborate on documents any time on Google workspace
  • Managing administrative tasks is easy with the centralization of everything on one platform. Cloud-based apps are cost-effective, requiring very little IT maintenance.
  • Integration with mobile means the organization can reach more people. Organizations can connect and increase awareness of the activities of the nonprofit

5. Showcase Stories on YouTube for Nonprofits

YouTube for nonprofits is another noteworthy product on the Google Cloud Platform. Nonprofits can use it to showcase their work to donors and other stakeholders.

Storytelling provides a powerful tool. It is engaging, interactive and can activate the right action in the audience. Setting up a YouTube for nonprofits is not difficult.

All you need to do is upload your existing YouTube channel to the nonprofit platform. You can:

  • Launch relevant campaigns to support the nonprofit activities
  • Include Call to Action buttons or cues to elicit specific responses
  • Upload content as often as you wish
  • Use the link anywhere feature to increase traffic to your website or social media
  • Add the donate button to collect and manage funds and so much more

Final Thoughts

Google Cloud that is accessible on Google for nonprofits has a lot to offer. Charitable organizations can use it to achieve higher efficiency in operations.

Data management and storage on a secure platform are available on Drive. Google also has other products that incorporate technologies like AI for data management.

Google workspace or G-Suite, as some may know it is excellent for team collaboration. Staff members can create, edit and share documents in real-time, wherever they are.

Google ad grants put you right in front of the donors or the public. The nonprofit organization increases the chances of raising funds for their activities.

YouTube for nonprofits helps showcase the activities of the organization. Video content and storytelling increase engagement with the content.

Best of all, Google ensures proper security measures are in place. Nonprofits can rest easy knowing that the data is safe.

The best part about it all is that Google for nonprofits is free, as long as the organization qualifies.