Surely you have heard of artificial intelligence (AI) before. While for some it still evokes only science fiction and robotics, it nevertheless fits into all aspects of our daily life. From automatic cash registers to advanced security checks at airports: artificial intelligence is now just about everywhere, and over time, slowly but surely, it starts to interfere in e-commerce.
In fact, many companies are already taking advantage of the latest advances in AI and machine learning to provide a better shopping experience for their customers. As it improves, artificial intelligence could therefore definitely change, and will most likely change, the eCommerce landscape in the years to come.
1. Chatbots Deal with Online Enquiries
The use of online chats is getting more and more common in online shopping, and the normal thing is to speak with a robot programmed to offer help with any questions the customer has about the products. They are programmed so well that it’s becoming more difficult to tell if you’re talking with a robot or a human responding. The experience is very personal and intelligent. With it, you can serve your customers 24/7, as well as quickly collect valuable data from customers and prospects simply by tracking their behavior in detail through machine learning AI.
2. AI Can Help With CRM
It is quite clear that the predictive nature of Ai is one of its most noticeable features. With this, CRM will become a part of the past. All the efforts required to collect data from customers and prospects to then draw conclusions and make predictions from the gathered data is cleaner and made much more efficient thanks to AI.
It will no longer be necessary to have a professional CRM expert, the new era of marketing will be able to provide the right message to each visitor every time. In addition to making things easier for e-commerce, these advancements also improve the customer experience.
3. Image Processing
Finding a product in e-commerce through images is very common. Products whose names are unknown or not found – a product seen on the street or on Pinterest are the main cause for image searching. The ability of AI systems to classify, interpret, and understand images makes this task much easier.
Amazon is one of the companies that is already using artificial intelligence in image management to increase sales. By simply opening the ecommerce mobile app and pointing the phone’s camera at a product, Amazon identifies and extracts it to be added to the product page.
One other function of AI in image processing is background removal. Did you know that images are one of the biggest files that you upload in your store or website? This affects loading time, and as a visitor, a long loading time is very off putting. Automatic background remover is a great tool for removing image backgrounds. This tool seamlessly removes backgrounds without that awkward end look that makes it look like a weird cut out from an old magazine.
4. Inventory Management
Predictive AI analytics are changing top-down inventory management, making it effortless to keep inventory up to date while leaving you with extra space, while all recording all these changes in detail.
Artificial intelligence technology enables the owner of an e-commerce to gain insight into the factors that affect demand and predictive analysis of future demand. Additionally, as the machines continue to learn more about the business, they will be able to more accurately predict real-time and future inventory needs, which will translate into better business results.
5. Identifying Potential Customers
According to recent studies, at least a third of the prospects that visit your website are not followed up by the sales team. This means that potential pre-qualified buyers interested in your product or service end up in the dark.
Additionally, many businesses are overloaded with customer data that they use little of, if at all. Yet it is a gold mine that can be used to improve the sales cycle.
In retail, for example, artificial intelligence is used with facial recognition to capture the behavior of a customer in a store. Basically, if a consumer lingers for a period of time in front of a product – a coffee maker, for example – that information will be stored for use on their next visit.
6. Making An Efficient Sales Process With A Virtual Assistant
Now, with virtual assistants, online businesses can leverage AI to appropriately select and recommend products that are useful and desired by a buyer, eliminating the need for the buyer to do all the research work in the shop. the catalog.
For example, integrating artificial intelligence into your CRM will allow you to personalize your solutions and create an effective sales message. Indeed, if your AI system supports natural language learning and voice input, like Siri or Alexa, your CRM will respond to customer inquiries, solve their problems and even identify new sales opportunities.Some AI managed CRM systems can be multitasking to handle all of these functions and more.
In this case, artificial intelligence helps users delve deeper into e-commerce product catalogs to find the perfect item that might otherwise go undetected.
7. Get Better Search Results
A huge majority of online shoppers use an e-commerce search function. Yet it is often a tedious task for the consumer who is forced to choose and then refine a keyword that accurately describes the product they are looking for.
The scenario often unfolds as follows: a consumer enters “smartphone with the best camera” in the search bar. While a human interlocutor would immediately understand the request, or ask questions for more details on the customer’s needs, the numerical results provided are often missing the point. In short, in the majority of cases, the research does not lead to the desired result.
This is due to the lack of context regarding the user, rigid and irrelevant filters, and problems with understanding keywords. In fact, the algorithms of these e-commerce search engines have neither the practical intelligence nor the ability to understand a query with nuances of the language.
The key is to use the power of machine learning to improve results for consumers who use search. ML can also generate search rankings, which allows the site to sort search results by relevance, instead of matching a keyword.
In doing so, e-commerce platforms will be able to turn massive numbers of failed search experiences into successful conversions.
Without a doubt, artificial intelligence has already started to have an impact on e-commerce, the sales process of which it is intelligently developing so that customers are no longer offered solutions that are neither relevant nor appropriate. And, day by day, AI is getting more and more sophisticated. Over the next few years, the application of machine learning and AI to e-commerce will become an increasingly important differentiator in terms of performance. E-merchants who do not act to take advantage of the profits risk being caught off guard by early adopters who are reshaping the e-commerce market and buyers’ expectations.
It is understandable to be cautious, maybe even a little scared in this new venture of implementing AI in eCommerce. You have probably heard the many horror stories fabricated by those who grew up watching a lot of dystopian future films. However, it is best to remember that those are works of fiction.
The reality in which we are living right now possesses so much potential for a better future, one that is self sustaining and safe. AI in eCommerce may very well be the one that saves a lot of businesses and the solution for small startups to make it big in the fast growing market.
About the author:
Yen Pedrajas is a technology enthusiast who loves to review and write informative content about the latest tech trends and ideas. She is currently managing public relations and customer operations for Removal.AI. An AI technology that operates as a background remover SaaS tool to offer professional photo editing and removing the background of images for eCommerce and all other web and app development purposes.